My memory’s foggy at times - perhaps the old age
But I recall many instances of Practice around the world. Happy encounters on tropical islands Sad ones of losing a young patient to gang violence Horrified days, treating wounded soldiers. At times, I scream. Give me back my life Without painful remembrances. But I can’t change what has been. The sun rises, and the sun sets. On a life that has been full. In looking back, it is the smiles And giggles of children, Relieved faces of mothers And satisfaction one feels of An accomplished day that Reminds me of all the good days And the not so good ones too. The nights, I slept well, and The tossing and turning ones of Maybe I should’ve done that or Not should’ve the other. It’s been a full life and I can take solace in that over Half a century of practice as A Medicine Man, I always tried my Best, and treated the ones under my care With compassion. My memory is not as sharp as it used to be. But in remembering the life lived, I smile! Reza Ghadimi
It rained this morning
The early morning thunder awoke all, startled An oddity in this desert world Dawn’s early light strained through the overcast Occasional flashes of sunlight reflected from fields of raindrops Otherwise, there is no change Not in the way the birds announce the day Nor in the ennui of drops from the eaves. The forest, though, seems happy Her showered scent of freshness Feels almost erotic Rustle of a breeze, spray the drops off the leaves And slide them down the branches, Caressing stock and body, joyfully One can almost hear the vegetation Sigh with pleasure. A light mist hides the mountain tops The fog hugs the canyon walls sensually Sliding within and through crevasses, cleave and folds Deep in the loins of the earth, the moisture Loosens rock and root to the pleasure of the land Nature is ecstatic and euphoric. We breathe the rhapsodic morning air and Delight in all its glory. It is a sensuous spring morning and all are glad to be a part! Reza Ghadimi |
September 2024